Protein Powder and Muscle Building

When you are focused on building muscle tissue three factors must be focused upon:

  1. Correctly performed resistance training which requires the appropriate speed of the repetitions, there should be approximately 40 seconds per set spent with the muscle under tension. Correct technique while performing the exercise is essential, using only the target muscle and avoiding momentum and leverage, and of course the correct amount of resistance enabling 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Testosterone which is naturally occurring in both women and men (10 times more in men than women)
  3. high-quality or complete protein


Whey protein is a type of protein that is found in milk that is of high quality.  The term high quality or complete protein means that :

  1. All of the standard 20 amino acids are present, but most importantly is that the 9 essential amino acids are present.  Essential means that the body cannot manufacture this group; they must be consumed through the diet.
  2. All of the amino acids in the protein consumed must exist in the same ratio as they exist in muscle tissue.  One or more cannot be lacking in the correct amount.  If that is the case, it is known as a limiting amino acid.

Proteins from animal sources such as beef, chicken, and fish are complete as well as the products from the animals such as milk or eggs.


Whey protein is one of two proteins found in milk along with casein.  Whey is a common protein and the most common form found in protein supplements or protein bars that are readily available in many stores.

The purpose of a resistance workout is to exercise the muscle sufficiently in order to break down the muscle fibers actually causing micro-tears in the muscle.  Not tears as found in an injury but microscopic in size.

  • This is the first phase of muscle building and the reality is that muscles are NOT built in the gym but rather are broken down.
  • Muscles are built or rebuilt with proper nutrition and sleep.  This is where protein is an important factor.
  • Sleep is important as it is an anabolic or building process.

After your workout, it is important to consume enough protein in order to rebuild the muscle tissue bigger or stronger than it was before.  The first meal after your workout is the most important as the muscle is more receptive to the protein, but the next 24 hours is important as well.  Note that it is essential to consume sufficient carbohydrates, in particular complex carbohydrates, in order to spare the whey protein for use in muscle building and not allow the protein to be used for energy needs.  After your workout, two things are happening at once:

  1. The glycogen (sugar stored in the muscle) that was used for energy during your workout must be replaced and will be replaced first with whatever you eat.  This is the purpose of eating carbs with the first meal.
  2. The muscle is “begging” for protein to repair the micro-tears.  This is purpose of consuming protein with the first meal, and whey protein is perfect for this purpose.

While whey protein is found in milk and milk products such as cheese, the whey protein found in supplements is of equal value to the body; the body doesn’t differentiate between the sources.  If consuming the protein through dairy, it would be preferable to do so through skim milk rather than whole milk or cheese due to the high-fat content of those foods.  However, it is necessary to consider that the amount of protein that you will be consuming.  The quantity of whey protein in a glass of milk would not equal that amount that you would consume if using a scoop of whey protein supplement in an equal size glass of water or most protein bars.

The correct amount of protein to have in the first meal is 25-40 grams of protein depending upon one’s lean muscle mass.

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